Squats while pregnant: safety, benefits & guidelines

Search “Can I do squats while pregnant” online and you'll find hundreds of articles informing women of the benefits of squatting throughout pregnancy. BUT not all squats are created equal… and there are a few things you need to be aware of.

squats while pregnant - deep and parallel squats

Not all squats are created equal during pregnancy

“Squat 300 times a day and you are going to give birth quicker” said the infamous midwife Ina May Gaskin, but what kind of prenatal squats are we talking about? 

Very few resources differentiate between the parallel and deep squat, and their effect on an expecting Mama’s body is completely different! So let’s clear the air… 

  1. Deep squats while pregnant 

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I often refer Deep Squats as the Mama Squats (Malasana in yoga). It seems to be THE type of prenatal squats recommended by every pregnancy workout program out there! They offer a great overall way to stretch and align the pelvis during pregnancy, and they also help the baby to descend further into the pelvis. Due to this last fact, they are known as pregnancy squats to induce labor, and should be avoided in some cases. Be sure to consult your Doctor or Midwife prior to beginning any exercise regimen to make sure it’s right for you.

Reasons to avoid doing deep squats while pregnant:

  • hemorrhoids

  • vulvar varicose vein

  • overall heaviness in the pelvic floor

  • low lying placenta 

  • low lying umbilical cord vessels 

  • baby lying breech after 30 weeks

  • risk of pre-term labor 

  • whenever it feels off (rectal pressure, overall heaviness in the pelvic floor, back pain…)

I do encourage deep squatting in pregnancy but just be sure you are not already experiencing any of the symptoms above. Also, I recommend placing a yoga block, folded blanket or pillow under your butt for added support and prevent too much stress on your pelvic floor.

Here are four benefits of deep squats during pregnancy:

  1. Deep squats open your hips and pelvis

  2. Deep squats help you locate and relax your pelvic floor muscles

  3. Deep squats can relieve lower back pain. Especially if you sit at a desk all day and need to improve your posture

  4. Deep squats Create a feeling of being “grounded”, encourage deep breathing, and relaxation

can you do squats while your pregnant

2. Parallel squats while pregnant

Including squat exercise during pregnancy is essential, but you also need to follow certain safety precautions when doing squats while pregnant. Keep in mind that you already perform a variety of squat movements throughout the day - every time we sit down or stand up, bend down to pick something off the floor... etc, so mind your form.

Is it ok to do squats while pregnant ?

Is it ok to do squats while pregnant ?

Things to consider:

As your belly grows, your center of gravity shifts, and the hormones produced during pregnancy cause the ligaments of the joints to stretch, which can lead to increased risk of injuries.

I personally don’t recommend using any equipment while squatting. The extra weight puts added stress on your joints and muscles in the pelvic area and the lower back. I love thinking of my body as my own little portable gym – it’s even more true during pregnancy!

squats while pregnant - weight

I personally don’t recommend using any equipment while squatting. The extra weight puts added stress on your joints and muscles in the pelvic area and the lower back. I love thinking of my body as my own little portable gym – it’s even more true during pregnancy!

Reasons to avoid doing parallel squats while pregnant

  • Medical reasons - Always get the approval from your Doctor before starting a pregnancy fitness program. Be sure to listen to your Doctor’s advice on your pregnancy and exercise options.

  • Pain - If there’s any pain involved when you exercise you need to get your technique assessed for correct form. You should always feel better after your workouts.

Here are four benefits of parallel squats during pregnancy:

  1. Squats help to strengthen your legs and maintain mobility in your hips.

  2. Squats strengthen your glutes, which can help to stabilize the pelvis and reduce your chance of experiencing excruciating low back pain. 

  3. Squats help to maintain balance and coordination as your center of gravity shifts with your growing belly.

  4. Squats and lunges during pregnancy are a low-impact exercises that will elevate your heart rate and keep your cardiovascular system strong.

Strength training and prenatal squats for every trimester

Can you do squats while pregnant?

Can you do squats while pregnant?

  • Squats during pregnancy first trimester 

Use squats while pregnant to focus on your form, maintain lower body strength, and endurance.

Start by standing with your feet hip width apart, knees in alignment with your toes. Think about rooting into the ground through your heels. Inhale as you bend through the knees, as if lowering yourself down into a chair. 

Once your thighs are parallel to the floor, exhale and stand back up. You can also engage your pelvic floor right before standing back up, especially if you already experience pelvic floor heaviness or dysfunction.

Learn more about first trimester exercises


  • Squats during pregnancy second trimester 

Be sure to maintain the squat form that you developed previously and lengthen your spine to prevent the extra weight from pulling your torso and your shoulders forward. You can benefit from the baby’s weight to make your squats while pregnant more challenging without using external weights such as dumbbells. 


  • Squats during pregnancy third trimester 

In this final stage of pregnancy you’re about to experience the greatest weight gain. 

Squats while pregnant continue to be appropriate to the end of pregnancy unless you are at risk for preterm labor. They are awesome for showing you bum muscles some love!

Focus on balance, breathing coordination, hip mobility, and endurance.

Squats while pregnant can leave you a little off balance so have a wall or a chair close by to steady yourself. You’ll notice that you won’t need to work as hard to get to the same intensity workout as in the previous trimesters, and you may need to turn your feet out and take a wider stance to accommodate your belly.

Learn more pregnancy tips and third trimester exercise

There are so many benefits of an active pregnancy!

squats while pregnant - active pregnancy

Let’s focus on optimal exercises to provide you with the greatest chance to ease through a healthy and enjoyable pregnancy, regain your pre-baby body and strength quickly. Recovery starts during pregnancy!

Open your eyes and discover another way to exercise, new intention through the exercises, and a new fitness goal in general. A lot of women re-discover themselves during pregnancy, and learn the best way to move and breathe for their body.

Keeping active is crucial to:

  • feeling happier 

  • feeling less anxious

  • feeling more in tune with your changing body 

  • helping you control excess weight gain

  • increasing your energy levels 

  • maintaining balance and coordination

  • preventing drastic changes to your posture

  • relieving aches and pain

  • increasing the likelihood of a quick labor and delivery

  • preparing for a quick recovery!


Enjoy your pregnancy ✨

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