"Life Changing"

I’m sooo grateful to Julie and her dedication to helping postpartum women improve their bodies and quality of life. After my 2nd baby, I had a 5-finger gap between my abs (verified by a physical therapist). I was told by the PT I wouldn’t be able to run or do any types of “athletic” activities for at least 6-12 months due to the risk of harming my abs even more. As an active person, this was so disheartening to me! However, after this program, my PT was SHOCKED at my results, saying it was the fastest recovery he had ever seen in his career. My gap has significantly closed in just 6 weeks, and I’m now able to run again with no pain. I feel strong, and more importantly, I feel empowered to know how to heal my body and take care of it moving forward.

My PT said I “found gold” with this program. I’ve done so much research on diastasis recti and this has been BY FAR the best program I have found. Julie truly knows her stuff. She is encouraging, uplifting, and so good to answer every question clearly and quickly. It was absolutely worth the time and money (and it really wasn’t that much time at all). I can’t recommend this program enough.

— Julie

Better Body after Baby Program