Positivity and commitment


If you want to reach your fitness goals, tone your body and become more self-confident than you’ve ever been before, you must be willing to work for it and make better choices every single day.

Remember, it’s not about having time, it’s about making time.

If you have time for Instagram, you have time to workout! These few minutes can be squeezed in during your lunch break, found first thing in the morning, or in front of the TV. I personally prefer once my son is asleep and the house calms down. My husband is an early bird and uses that time before the house wakes up to move and get in a workout. That way, no matter how the rest of your day shapes up, you know you’ve done something great for yourself.

I am a huge believer in positive talk. When you flood your brain with positive thoughts it changes the way you think.

Here’s a good way to see it: Make the journey a little less intimidating by re-framing your fitness fears into a step-wise fitness plan that operates from a point of  “I can”, "I want to do something great for myself". You can find the strength and a positive voice to get there. Remember that your subconscious brain believes what it hears most often, so keep telling yourself “I can” and eventually you most certainly will!





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